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04.07.2022 SIAMS J - Entreprises de services

SIAMS Well Received

SIAMS 2022 was a richly emotional event and, with 14,781 visitors, registered a record number of participants. Results of the exhibitor satisfaction survey!

A meeting attended by some 40 exhibitors complemented by a survey of their satisfaction provided an opportunity to draw lessons for the future. The results were extremely positive. We met with Laurence Roy and Pierre-Yves Kohler to talk about it all.

Although the process is not exactly scientific, nearly a hundred people took the trouble to give their feedback to the organizers of the trade fair of the entire microtechnology production chain: a good basis on which to build the future!

A High Level of Overall Satisfaction
With an overall average of 4.37 out of 5 for all indicators, the exhibitors rate the 2022 edition as a high-quality event. Account Manager Laurence Roy explains: "We asked our exhibitors to rate several criteria such as the general organization, the quality of contacts before the exhibition, on-site services, communication, and catering. The worst result got the catering, though it was rated as good with a score of 4.11 out of 5.” CEO Pierre-Yves Kohler continued: "We are also very pleased with the results regarding the perception of the development of SIAMS and its services by the exhibitors. The score of 4.43 out of 5 encourages us to continue working with and for them.”
>> Download the flyer "Satisfaction analysis" (in French / in German)

High-Quality Visitors … and a lot of them!
SIAMS 2022, a record-breaking event, was also praised for the high quality of its visitors. The number of visitors scored 4.48 out of 5, while quality (and therefore business and future business) scored 4.34 out of 5. Pierre-Yves Kohler specifies: "The survey confirms our impression on the last day of SIAMS, that visitors did not come on a 'school trip' but with precise objectives.” Laurence Roy adds: "The overall score for visitors was an excellent 4.41 out of 5, but these figures hardly demonstrate the incredibly positive atmosphere everyone noticed from the opening of the fair until its end. This is the challenge that I am passing on to Christophe, my successor: to organize an equally magical SIAMS 2024.”
>> Download the "visitor statistics" flyer (in French  / in German)

Areas for improvement
However, these good results do not make the organizers blind or overly confident. The CEO explains: "We are certainly pleased with the results, but are always on the lookout, too. We have sought to gather as many ideas and comments from our exhibitors as possible and have already started work to ensure that the 2024 edition is at least as well organized and as good as the 2022 one. The organizers have also announced the setting up of several work sessions with the exhibitors' committee and a new group that will be set up to deal with developments and social trends in the world of microtechnology.”

A new page
The invoicing and recording of our experiences are completed, and it is time for Laurence to hang up her gloves! After 17 years in the service of our exhibitors, she says goodbye with a thoroughly successful fair. Pierre-Yves Kohler specifies: "Laurence is one of the reasons for the success of SIAMS and, therefore, I can only regret her departure, thank her from the bottom of my heart and wish her every success for the future.” He added: "I am convinced that with Christophe we have picked the right person and that our exhibitors will be able to count on him as they have counted on Laurence.”

The team changes, but not the will to work hard and do good for exhibitors and visitors. Laurence Roy and his successor Christophe Bichsel.

In conclusion, Laurence Roy said: "I have enjoyed working for SIAMS quite enormously and, over time, many exhibitors have become my friends. As for the team, it is great, and I am sure that SIAMS will continue to radiate its positive influence. My thanks go to all the exhibitors and partners for your confidence and our excellent co-operation.”


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