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8.6 reasons to visit the SIAMS microtechnology exhibition
Why should you decide to visit SIAMS, the specialised trade fair situated in the centre of the Jura region, heart of microtechnology?

New issue will take place from April 21 to April 24, 2026.



Here are 8.6 good reasons to plan a visit to SIAMS from April 21 to 24, 2026 in your agenda.
1.  It’s time to get together once again. 
2.  The fair specializing in microtechnology. 
2.5 The entire production chain will be on site. 
3.  Visit feasible in a single day! 
4.  People come here to find solutions and do business! 
5.  Convivial and pleasant ambiance! 
6.  A stimulating programme! 
7.  The best tool to monitor innovations and get information! 
8.  Download your free ticket (from February 2022)! 
8.5 Moutier has never been so close to the rest of Switzerland! 
8.6 The 2022 SIAMS was truly exceptional!

Still hesitating? 

  • More than 100 machines are installed on 450 stands.
  • More than 1,500 people work on the stands and are waiting for you.
  • Shuttles and car parks are free of charge.
  • ...and your competitors will certainly be there to try and get ahead!

Download the 8.6 good reasons to visit SIAMS here.

SIAMS ”Ticking differently” since 1989

Le SIAMS 2022 en 60 secondes!