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Logo Evard Précision SA

Evard Précision SA

Rue des Petits-Champs 9
CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
+41 24 424 01 09

Halle 1.2 | A30

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Main activity
D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics

  • D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics
    • 4403. Accessories and machine parts
  • G. Metal processing - subcontracting
    • 6102. Milling
    • 6104. Grinding - Honing
    • 6105. Drilling - Tapping - Reaming
    • 6113. Precision mechanics, micromechanics
    • 6114. Mechanics, specialties, others
Standard or custom-made clamping systems, mechanical and pneumatic vices.