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Logo Ciposa SA

Ciposa SA

Rouges-Terres 61
CH-2068 Hauterive
+41 32 566 66 00

Halle 1.1 | A7

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with passion inside
créateur de solutions innovantes pour le micro-assemblage de votre production

Main activity
C. Automation

  • A. Machines
    • 1105. Special machines
  • B. Equipment
    • 2101. Automatic assembly machines
    • 2102. Assembly units
    • 2103. Assembly lines
    • 2105. Welding machines and systems
    • 2106. Assembly installations, other
    • 2203. Control devices
    • 2204. Industrial optics - Microscopes - Projectors
    • 2208. Measuring and control equipment, other
  • C. Automation
    • 3205. Dosing apparatus
    • 3302. Software