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Logo Inopart GmbH

Inopart GmbH

Rastatter Str. 30
DE-75179 Pforzheim

Halle 2.2 | A12

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Main activity
D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics

  • D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics
    • 4101. Machining tools
    • 4105. Tools, other
    • 4201. Tool holding fixtures
    • 4403. Accessories and machine parts
  • G. Metal processing - subcontracting
    • 6101. Turning - High precision turning - Swiss turning
    • 6102. Milling
    • 6104. Grinding - Honing
As a leading manufacturer, Inopart sets the industry standard for high precision tool holders and collets in Swiss-type turning. Our extensive product range, competitive pricing, and strategic collaborations with top machine manufacturers result from our commitment to quality. With around one million parts in stock, we provide unmatched accessibility for your machining needs.