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Logo TOPSOLID Switzerland SA

TOPSOLID Switzerland SA

Route Suisse 8A
+41 26 322 27 27

Halle 2.1 | A9

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TopSolid Integrated Digital Factory
Des solutions numériques pour les enjeux industriels de demain

Main activity
C. Automation
TOPSOLID is a French editor of CAD, CAM, PDM, ERP, VR and Simulation and Tool Management solutions dedicated to the sectors of general mechanics, metal and sheet metal work, the wood sector and digital engineering. TOPSOLID offers a true digital chain that links design, manufacturing and management: TopSolid Integrated Digital Factory. Developed on a common database with a homogeneous user interface, TOPSOLID CAD and CAM solutions are associative. Using them means linking and rallying the Design Office and Methods Office departments in a logic of process synergy. It also means indissolubly linking design, manufacturing and management, whatever the sector of activity and the type of company, from the VSE to the multinational. TOPSOLID attaches great importance to being close to its customers. The company has five sales and technical agencies in France, which are also training centres. Its products are also distributed internationally through 9 subsidiaries and 86 distributors.