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Logo Wibemo SA

Wibemo SA

Montchemin 12
CH-2832 Rebeuvelier
+41 32 436 10 50

Halle 1.2 | B4

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Main activity
D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics

  • B. Equipment
    • 2202. Electronic measuring devices
    • 2208. Measuring and control equipment, other
  • D. Tools-Accessories-Mechanics
    • 4101. Machining tools
    • 4201. Tool holding fixtures
    • 4301. Grinding wheels, discs, abrasive belts, etc.
    • 4302. Grinding and polishing paste
    • 4303. Abrasive products, other
    • 4403. Accessories and machine parts
  • G. Metal processing - subcontracting
    • 6101. Turning - High precision turning - Swiss turning
    • 6108. Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
    • 6113. Precision mechanics, micromechanics
    • 6114. Mechanics, specialties, others