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15.05.2024 Bumotec A - Machines

Recalculating – That’s how sustainable a retrofit is

Modernisation enables even older machines to be brought up to a technical level equivalent to current systems.
In addition to increased production quality and availability, the issue of sustainability plays an increasingly important role today in deciding to perform a retrofit.

In the past, the issue of sustainability played a less important role in the decision-making process for investments within the manufacturing industry. However, this is changing on a fundamental level, as companies are faced with demands for sustainable production from many sides, from political and governmental organisations as well as customers, users and investors. “Whereas previously the focus was more on economic benefits, nowadays issues such as energy and resource efficiency as well as reduced CO2 emissions play an increasingly important role for our customers,” observes Hans Jeschke, Director Service at Starrag Technology GmbH. This not only applies to new acquisitions, but also increasingly influences the decision to modernise an existing plant instead of replacing it.

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Recalculating – That’s how sustainable a retrofit is


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