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10.05.2024 SIAMS J - Service companies

Reminder to exhibitors: invitation to the SIAMS 2024 debriefing session

Dear exhibitors,

We have finalised the organisation of the debriefing session for SIAMS 2024 and would like to extend a warm invitation to you to attend ;o). Please confirm your participation by e-mail to by 15 May.

The session will take place on May 23, 2024 at 9.00 am (and not 2.00 pm as indicated in the Save the date, sorry for the change).

Venue: GF Machining Solutions in Biel (Roger-Federer Allee 7, Biel)
We will have the opportunity to visit this incredible tool! Let's make the most of it!


  • From 09:00 Doors open, welcome and coffee, croissants
  • 09:30 Debriefing begins at the Biel Auditorium
        Brief welcome to GF by Christophe Thibaud
        Debriefing (discussion, exchanges, etc.)
  • 11:05 Groups split up for production tour
  • 11:15 Tour of the production (45 min)
  • 12:00 approx. end of event

There are only a few parking spaces available at GF. Please park at the nearby Tissot Arena (3 steps from GF). We will give each guest a free exit ticket when they register.

We look forward to seeing you there!
With your ideas, comments, remarks, improvements, etc...

See you soon for a great session (to make SIAMS even better) and a great visit!

Best regards
The SIAMS organisers
Christophe and Pierre-Yves

PS: If you haven't already done so, you can always fill in the improvement form (French and German) and send it to us (or give it to us on site on 23 May). Thank you.

PS2: The same goes for the 2026 intention form (French and German)!

Reminder to exhibitors: invitation to the SIAMS 2024 debriefing session


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