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30.03.2022 Hänel Büro- und Lagersysteme B - Equipements

Solutions - ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd

ABB Zürich

ABB's internal warehouse management system is connected directly to the Hänel lift controller. Information such as item location, inventory status and material release approval is displayed at the lift access point, making retrieval fast and easy for employees. Hänel Pick-o-Light®-Vario also ensures error-free order picking. The requested storage bin or compartment is clearly highlighted by a moving light emitting diode.

Each order item is also displayed on the lift terminals. The simultaneous operation of several Lean-Lifts® considerably improves order picking performance. Material is available quickly because the systems are located near the production and warehouse areas – employees do not have to walk long distances searching for stored items. 

High storage density is another advantage of Hänel storage systems. With a combined footprint of just 80 square meters, the 11 Lean-Lifts® provide up to 1,500 square meters of storage capacity. 

The Lean-Lift® systems are 13 meters high and extend upward to the ceiling of the production building. To exploit the height available, the lift systems are anchored to foundations in the basement. 

For extremely large and heavy components, ABB relies on Hänel Lean-Lifts® designed especially for pallet storage. The access points are positioned flush with the floor. Employees can use forklifts to move pallets into these systems smoothly. This means that incoming components do not have to be unpacked when they arrive – heavy items can stay on pallets and go directly into the Hänel Lean-Lift®. Fast access times and protection of stored goods are also decisive advantages that distinguish Hänel storage systems.

Solutions - ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd


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